Make a Difference: Volunteer with the Bonsai Society of Portland!

Your time and talents are essential in helping us maintain the operations of our organization. As the largest bonsai society in the United States, we rely on the support of generous volunteers to deliver exceptional events, workshops, and resources to our members. By joining our volunteer team, you’ll be making an impact on our organization; contributing to a community that values growth, learning, and collaboration.

Current Openings for BSOP Volunteers:

  • Auction Helper (seeking multiple) - Intake auction items and label bid sheets at the general meetings, work with treasurer to ensure winners complete payment

  • Meeting Setup Coordinator (seeking multiple) - Manage preparation of the meeting room for the monthly general meeting (guide members to move some tables around and arrange chairs)

  • Meeting Tear-down Coordinator (seeking multiple) - Coordinate the tear-down activities to reset the meeting room after monthly general meetings (guide members to move some tables around and arrange chairs)

  • Spring Show Chair - Coordinate with Portland Nursery on date and awards of the Spring Show, announce details of show through email/web with support from web, communications, and social media teams

  • Front-End Web Developer - This is a bit of a special skill we are looking for. We have a significant amount of resources we offer as a club through our website, and we could use help from someone skilled in web development to help consult on the organization and structure of the site.

  • Merchandise Manager - Manage small inventory of BSOP merchandise. Coordinate with select vendors to replenish out of stock items. Receive web orders and bring to general meetings for pickup. Ship orders for select items where shipping is available.

  • Website Gallery Manager - Add photos (taken by others) from BSOP events to our website with support from our web team

  • Choose Your Own Adventure - We find the best volunteers are passionate or skilled in areas we haven’t thought of. Please reach out if you wish to contribute to the club in a unique or special way.